Filtering by Category: Inspiration

Compassion defined...

Compassion is Sympathetic


of others' distress,

with a desire to alleviate it.

Someone in your life needs compassion today.

Perhaps you are legitimately busy…

Maybe you need to forgive that person for something before you can offer full compassion.

Does the definition “sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it” feel new to you?

I hope so.

The reason I hope so is that my guess is that you will see compassion as something that your world needs more of and you will realize that you posses an infinite reservoir of it.

Look for dry land…

Turn on the sprinkler, that those in your world would run free in the compassion you have to offer and find attention and healing.

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”      Albert Einstein



Food is not your enemy...

This is a poem by Pamela Malo Pamela is a nutritionist, coach and writer with a really unique perspective on food and life.


What I want most to tell you What I want most for you to know is that this life we are given it comes with no guidebook and that learning to love our life and our body and our self it’s all the same journey What I want most to tell you What I want most for you to know is that there is a way to be with food that goes beyond rules and research, a way of eating that brings joy and pleasure not guilt or fear or frustration And that it is possible for eating to feel like a beautiful breeze What I want most to tell you What I want most for you to know is that whatever your challenges are with food, or eating, or your body They do not need to be fixed but heard What I most want to tell you What I want most for you to know, is that to step into your power You must first step off the scale To love your body you must learn to embody it To love your life You must love the food you nourish it with What I want most to tell you What I want most for you to know is that while food is important for health so is the color and texture and tone of the words which paint your inner world What I want most to tell you What I want most for you to know is that if you are tired and frustrated and have tried everything else Perhaps it is time to give Love a chance

Find out more about Pamela at