Homeless people don't need coats...
In line at our local coffee shop...
Talking on her phone...
Its her turn...
The barista says "Hi, how are you today?"
"medium nonfat latte" she replies, never making eye contact...
"Sure thing, that will be $3.47"
She hands him her credit card while continuing her call, staring off in the distance.
"Thanks, you can pick up your latte at the end of the counter. have a nice day"
With no acknowledgement she gets her card back and goes to get her drink. I'm next in line
"How often does that happen?" I ask
"How often does what happen?" the barista replies
I pointed out that the person in front of me never even acknowledgedhim. She said neither please nor thank you, have a nice day or anything else, for that matter.
In fact the only words she uttered (apart from those spoken into her phone) were "medium nonfat latte".
The barista said "oh, that, that happens literally all day long, it sucks".
Some of you will make the obvious point that we don't know what the call was about or the particular customer's situation.
Now back to the point...
Please don't be like that.
Thanks! Have a great day.
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