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What's your price?



When I was in my early twenties, Mike Sapienza (aka Sap) and I were inseparable.

It was Mike, Danny, Steve and I.

There was never a question about if we were hanging out.

The only question was about what the adventure was going to look like.

We would spot each other’s cars from a quarter mile away, flash our lights, pull over and declare the where and when.

One time we decided we would put on suits and sunglasses to bet on the dogs.

We walked Oceans 11 style into the Seabrook dog track, like we owned the place…

Steve’s uncle had a lead on a greyhound named Sack-O-Nuts…

It was a sure thing.

After we each had lost $20 we decided to lose the suits and head to the beach.

Many of our other shenanigans will never see the light of day.


For years we moved as a pack and it was beyond fun.

There was however, one exception to our togetherness.

It came five days a week at 6:30 AM.

That was when Mike went to the gym.

Didn’t matter how late he was out the night before or what was planned for the day, at 6:30AM he was at the Cedardale Athletic Club, working out.

We’d give him a hard time about it and he’d brush it off.

Once when it was just he and I, I asked him how he did it,

In that question I was acknowledging how impressed I was by his commitment.

I have never forgotten his response.

Mike looked me in the eye and said

“Its the price I pay for the life I lead”

He offered nothing more on the subject, nor did he need to.

You have longings…

Some feel more like pipe dreams and others are less grandiose.

Meaningful work...

Physical fitness...

A healthy relationship...

To be part of a community...

To have a real friend...

You know your longings better than I do.

Your desires beg the following question.

Are you willing to pay the price for the life you want?

If your answer is “no”, then good on you for being honest.

If youranswer is yes here are a few thoughts to get you going.

- Stop blaming other people for your lack of action.

You are in your drivers seat.  God gave you a will and a calling.  They are there for you to engage,  so make sure you are not expecting someone else to drive your bus.

- Don’t expect someone else to pay your dues.

Like the first tip, this one is about your life not coming at the expense of others.  Consider the people you love and depend on.  There is no greater drain on a relationship than when the dreamer taxes their             partner and then makes them feel like they are to blame because they were not supportive enough.

- If you are waiting for the right time, it will never come.

The perfect time to start is now and by now I mean right now.  You could choose to stop reading and take meaningful action in the direction of your heart…


Curious about life coaching?  If you are ready to schedule your confidentialsample session with Jim Trick or have any questions just call:  978.994.0431 or email

Take a minute...



The art school a couple of towns over decorates pianos and puts them on the sidewalk for anyone to play.

Today a homeless man who had enjoyed some adult beverages was wildly banging away.

I took his hand and positioned his fingers.

Next I asked him topress those three keys gently.

The look on his face and the shift in his body language was incredible.

With my hand on his shoulder and in a quiet tone I said “Good job! That’s a C chord, that’s where we start”.

He didn’t say a word and as I walked away listened as he played the chord and then the individual notes.

The whole thing might have taken three minutes….

Often we just walk by...

Sometimes we stop for a minute…

Stop for a minute...

"It's better than nothing" might not be...



"It's better than nothing" might not be.

Sometimes better than nothing is more damaging than nothing.

Nothing is empty and eventually creates a Vacuum.

Vacuums suck…

See what I did there?

Zero action = nothing.

Nothing creates a vacuum that sucks and magnifies the lack of action aka the "nothing".

The suckiness of the vacuum eventually leads to rock bottom.

Rock bottom, if it's doing its job, inspires powerful action.

Presto change o, nothing has sparked something and that something has the potential to change everything.

You're obese so three times a month you go for a walk during which your heart rate never really gets elevated.

You long for a companion so six months ago you went on two dates.

You've hated your job for years so once every couple of months you play around with your résumé.

"I'ts better than nothing" is what we say when we are basically doing nothing but won't admit it.

“It's better than nothing” is what we say when we are doing a bit of something but not enough to get any meaningful results.

If this is hitting home with you try these steps to start your shift.

1.  Admit that you have choices and be honest with yourself about what you have been choosing.

2.  Replace the phrase “its better than nothing” with “its basically nothing”.  This is not about beating yourself up, its about keeping it real in service of your goals.

3.  List twenty potential actions then choose the four that have the most juice.  Write a little about what you thinkthe potential resultswould be if you were to engage each of the four action items for nine months.

4.  Use your calendar to schedule these action items, keep those appointments and track each action item’s result.

Initial steps are courageous and can be really hard.

“Its better than nothing" is a mindset that is neither courageous nor is it difficult, and in fact may not be what it claims to be.

Curious about life coaching?  If you are ready to schedule your sample session or have any questions just call:  978.994.0431 or email